Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tony Dungy

I really enjoyed reading this post consisting of 44 Leadership Quotes from Tony Dungy. I liked learning about him in class but this blog post went into detail talking about the best quotes from his book, Quiet Strength. Its hard to pick just one quote but if I had to chose my favorite quote it would be, "If God has given you a lot of ability, I believe you should be held to a higher level of expectation." Spoken like a true leader. Many leaders doubt their own ability and never reach their full potential. I plan on reading Tony Dungy's book over the holiday break. I think it will be a healthy reminder to put forth one hundred percent effort in all that I do. God gave each of us talents and abilities and they shouldn't be wasted. We can all use our talents and what makes us unique to serve others. I've really enjoyed blogging this semester. Its forced me to keep up with current events and I've learned a lot about myself and my leadership principles. I plan on making a habit out of blogging, just for fun.

Thanks & Gig'Em!


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