Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Jesus Calling from November 2nd encourages us to seek out The Lord and to not condemn ourselves for constantly seeking his help. I'm guilty of keeping things inside and not opening my heart for fear of being weak. I've told myself many times before that I shouldn't burden God by praying about my minuscule problems and struggles. It wasn't until recently that I truly realized God never sees our prayers or problems as a burden. In him and with him we are perfect and loved, he actually promises to take care of everyone who loves him which is unbelievably comforting. 

"Come to Me with your gaping neediness; let the Light of my love fill you. A yielded heart does not whine or rebel when the going gets rough. It musters the courage to thank Me even during hard times." 

If Jesus is your Savior and you've put your trust in God, you have no reason to live in constant stress and uncertainty. "Relax, because the Lord takes care of you." Psalm 116:7

I need to remind myself sometimes to take a step back and remember that it's all in God's control and he is working out all things for the good of the people who love him (Romans 8:28). 

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