Sunday, January 20, 2013

Proverbs 19:21

Have you ever thought about how quickly our lives flash before our eyes? I feel like just yesterday I was a little girl without a care in the world. The world is really different to me now than it was then and the crazy thing is I still have a lot of my life ahead of me. I wonder what I'll be thinking 15 years from now looking back on this time in my life.  I started thinking about how quickly life passes us by if we let it. We get so caught up in day to day life and silly meaningless things and forget to live in the moment. Everyday seems like such a blur lately going back and forth from work to school and doing it all over again the next day. Everyday feels like such a blur because I let it be that way. 

I want to make a conscious effort to be more appreciative of all the little things around me.  Things like spending time with my family and enjoying their company. One day I'll be grown up and have a family of my own. Most people my age don't usually think about things like that but it makes you want to soak up everything that much more. On top of that, I'm only going to be earning a college education once in my life so I need to savor it. School is a drag sometimes because it requires so much time and dedication but its such a gratifying feeling knowing I'm working towards earning something so important (Aggie Ring Aggie bling - whoop). This year I don't want to let things pass me by because I'll only be 19 once. I've never had a New Years resolution before but maybe that can change.. even though I'm a bit late! 

Carpe diem sums it up perfectly. In 2013 I want to seize each and everyday. I know it won't be easy but I am going to focus on the positives in my life and remind myself to be grateful always. I constantly take things for granted and I want to work on changing that. I've always taken time for granted and so I thought why not start today. I will never grow if I don't find a place to start. Things don't always workout how I plan but that doesn't mean there isn't a different and greater plan out there for me. I came across the greatest bible verse last week, "You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21  

For right now I think that bible verse is the perfect place to start. It reminds me that someone much greater is in control and all I can do is make the most of everyday he gives me. 

I haven't posted on my blog in 10 months (geez quite a long time) but I'm glad to be back to my late night random rambling ways. Maybe Carrie Bradshaw is to thank, all the SATC reruns I've been watching may be getting to my head. :)

Have a wonderful Monday.

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